
Acne Treatment How do you Treat Acne

Acne is a terrible affliction which plagues millions of teenagers and sometimes even adults. Not only is this terrible unsightly, it also creates deep impact upon the psyche of the person affected. The people who suffer from acne for a long time will gradually develop an inferiority complex. How To Treat Acne? There are many ways to treat acne today. You will need to find out from the many ways that are available, which one suits you the best.

The treatment usually involves cleansing of the skin, then steaming it thoroughly to remove the acne as much as possible. The best way to treat acne is to cleanse the skin well, preferably with vinegar, after which you could add a bit moisturizer to the face to prevent it from drying too much. One of the most tested and tried methods to treat acne are the method using benzoyl peroxide. This solution should be applied to the face in proportion of 5:1 (water : b.p.

) daily if possible. If not twice or even once a week would be helpful to treat acne. This solution kills all the bacteria, reduced oil production of the skin and opens the pores making it easier to remove the grime thus accumulated. Of course, you ought to be very patient with the methods to treat acne, because it is slow in showing their results. Basically speaking, if you have oily skin, you will definitely find the process extremely painful since acne is drawn to it like flies to honey. However, as per the testimony of so many people, the benzyl peroxide solution has clicked with the majority of people and hence there is no reason why you should not adopt the same method for yourself.

There are of course, other ways ? Dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser treatment and so on. In Dermabrasion the upper most layer of the skin would be removed and then new skin would be formed again. This is done with the help of blasting of tin crystals through a vacuum pipe.

The same result is obtained with the help of chemical peeling. Here the peeling is created with the help of chemical reactions. The latest of all the treatments available today is the Laser treatment.

This treatment has the same procedure as Dermabrasion; only this time there is no blood and many times very little pain. With the laser the patient is exposed to a great risk of infection ? especially bacterial and/or viral. Choose wisely what and when you want to do.

Read out for Get rid of blackheads. Check out eye stye and makeup tips.

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